Thursday, April 4, 2013

Le Elevator

My goal in this post is to list as many things to do in an elevator as possible.

  1. The chalk square, take a piece of chalk and draw a square on the floor. when people get on tell them "this is my square don't cross it!" 
  2. Stand backwards, get on the elevator and face the back wall.
  3. stand in the back corner face the wall an mutter"soon soon" 
  4. put a chair and other furniture like a book shelf and a small table or put a TV in. the if there is a second elevator put your food in it and make a stalk pile.
  5. make an explosion noise when someone presses a button. 
  6. randomly start meowing at people.
  7. poke someone and pretend it wasn't you (only works if you are on an elevator with one other person)
  8. get on the elevator and act paranoid and when you get to your floor slowly back out and say i'm one of them.
  9. dress up fancy and act like you work in the elevator

I really want to try these! especially number 8! Cuz i'm that cra-cra 

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